We would like to thank Father Tom, the Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Julie Fleckenstein, and you our parish family for the two brand new organs for St. Eugene’s and St. Michael’s worship sites. We really appreciate your support of our music ministry and are very excited to use the organs to enhance our liturgies. Please bear with us as we get all the kinks ironed out and learn all the wonderful things that these new organs offer, In June the organ at Queen of the Rosary will have the leather replaced in the pipes. This organ was put into the church when the church was built in 1953, and this is part of the upkeep for a pipe organ. We look forward to hearing the pipes when they come back. This process will take approximately a month to complete. We look forward to using these three wonderful instruments to enhance our liturgies and thank you again for helping to make this all come true. Please stop and see the organs when you are in church. Also, if you would like to join the choirs, or bell choir, please stop and see the organist after Mass.
Thanks again,
Celeste, Carol and Pam,
Saints Joachim and Anne Music Ministry Team